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I was born and raised in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. I am a U.S. Air Force veteran and a recently retired high school administrator. I currently reside in Greencastle, Pennsylvania with my wife, Beth, and our four children, Ben, Lauren, Annie, and Sam.



I'm currently working on the sequel to Wrong Bus. It is to be titled Full Circle. For all of you that have read Wrong Bus, you know exactly why a sequel is necessary. I promise not to disappoint you but I am not going to give away any secrets presently. I will complete it as quickly as I can.

I have also been working on some short stories to go along with Beth's vocabulary lessons. We are hoping to put them all together at some point as a vocabulary tutorial or curriculum for middle school age students.

I also have begun a series of articles for the Greencastle Shade Tree Commision for publication in the local newspaper.

I hope you took notice that One Man in Ten Million has been republished by Tate Publishing. I also hope you take the opportunity to check out the excerpt I have included on the book page. 


Thank You for visiting my site.

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